
Notes & comment on politics, culture & society

My Photo

Steve Trumbull is a photographer and photo researcher based in Charlottesville Virginia. He has done many photo projects including the current C'ville Images, focused on photographs of his hometown.

05 February 2005

On The Wire

The Bush Bulge is Back

The story of whether or not Bush was wired during the 2004 Presidential Debates is back in the news. The suspicion has been, of course, that Bush was recieving prompting from aides while he answered debate questions.

There was not much discussion about what a terrible job his aides did feeding him those answers.

Questions now focus on whether or not newspapers were encouraged to kill the story (rather than fan the flames of conspiracy like they usually do).

Nevertheless, the question has never been settled as to what that strange bulge under his suit jacket was.

Then again, there is this bit of evidence worth considering...

Click on George Bush Audio.