
Notes & comment on politics, culture & society

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Steve Trumbull is a photographer and photo researcher based in Charlottesville Virginia. He has done many photo projects including the current C'ville Images, focused on photographs of his hometown.

12 March 2005

Stage Right

Bogus events crafted to sell the Bush agenda

George Bush continues to tour around the country selling his plan for reforming Social Security, despite the public’s disapproval for his plan.

But you wouldn’t know from his “town-hall” style meetings there was much opposition at all.

Overwhelmingly, the audiences show support for the plan and warm regard for Bush.

Occasionally, a voice of opposition is heard and the offender is promptly escorted from the event.

The local news media tend to take these events at face value-which is exactly what the Bush team wants. T.V. pictures of support for Bush, if shown often enough, will eventually turn into vocalized support for Bush in opinion polls.

This strategy is nothing new. During the 2004 presidential campaign, while most of John Kerry’s appearances were open to the public, Bush’s were tightly controlled, including requirements to sign a “loyalty oath” to the party. Spooky stuff if you ask me.

The current events are staged as well, with G.O.P. activists standing in as “average Americans”. At some of the events, questioners have been brought in a day ahead of time to rehearse what they will say.

The national press is now starting to draw attention to this deceit but the American public seems slow to show outrage. They are apparently too busy gasping at the spectacle of Michael Jackson wearing his pajamas to court.

Even supporters of Bush and his policies should be offended by this sort of propaganda. After all, the White House is betting that most Americans are too stupid or oblivious to see the reality behind these bogus events.

Unfortunately, instead of denouncing these tactics and trusting Americans to sift through the propaganda, the Democrats are attempting similar types of stagecraft in an attempt to counter the Republicans.

All of this should be alarming to Americans who value an open democracy and their First Amendment rights.