Plantation House
Hillary Clinton is saying that dissenting voices in the U.S. House of Representatives are being squelched and compares the workings of that political institution to how southern plantations were run.
Personally, I find this a bit offensive. With roots in the South I feel that this comparison with the Republican-controlled Congress makes plantations look bad.
I repectfully demand a retraction of the analogy and suggest replacing it with a comparison to a Soviet gulag.
Or is that already being used in reference to the executive branch?
On a related, sensitive issue, I am aware that it has now become politically incorrect to use the names "Bush" and "Hitler" in the same sentence as in "Bush and Hitler are most likely soulmates."
This sort of statement absolutely enrages the extreme right and keeps the Secret Service up at night. As if the federal domestic spying agencies don't already have enough on their plates.
So, journalists will have to look elsewhere for historical comparisons: Stalin and Mussolini certainly haven't been overused. Ditto Satan.
Late Follow-up: I have been notified by my editor that the F.B.I. may be scanning the internet for any bloggers now using the words "Bush" and "Mussolini" in the same sentence, so I am recommending "Busholini" as a sort of shorthand.
God help us if they Google gulag.
Personally, I find this a bit offensive. With roots in the South I feel that this comparison with the Republican-controlled Congress makes plantations look bad.
I repectfully demand a retraction of the analogy and suggest replacing it with a comparison to a Soviet gulag.
Or is that already being used in reference to the executive branch?
On a related, sensitive issue, I am aware that it has now become politically incorrect to use the names "Bush" and "Hitler" in the same sentence as in "Bush and Hitler are most likely soulmates."
This sort of statement absolutely enrages the extreme right and keeps the Secret Service up at night. As if the federal domestic spying agencies don't already have enough on their plates.
So, journalists will have to look elsewhere for historical comparisons: Stalin and Mussolini certainly haven't been overused. Ditto Satan.
Late Follow-up: I have been notified by my editor that the F.B.I. may be scanning the internet for any bloggers now using the words "Bush" and "Mussolini" in the same sentence, so I am recommending "Busholini" as a sort of shorthand.
God help us if they Google gulag.
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