
Notes & comment on politics, culture & society

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Steve Trumbull is a photographer and photo researcher based in Charlottesville Virginia. He has done many photo projects including the current C'ville Images, focused on photographs of his hometown.

29 January 2007

They're All Good

In recent posts I’ve expressed interest in seeing Senator Chuck Hagel make a run for the White House. I think it is valuable to have many people in the field all expressing their views. It is encouraging to have a Republican politician so vociferously standing up to the current war-mongering White House.

Personally, I am far from making up my mind about the next election. Many of the candidates, including nearly every Democrat I've heard mentioned as a possibility, look like great replacements for the current madman holding the office.

I don’t vote for elected officials based on their stance on various issues. If I used such a litmus test I would most likely never vote since I rarely agree with the majority of the positions held by any given candidate. But I do vote for the person and look closely at the character and integrity of the politician which is why I’ve been adamantly opposed to W. since 1999 when I first really learned much about him.

I suppose the field of potential candidates looks good to me precisely because of the stark contrast to Bush. Everything can be relative and W. has set the bar amazingly low. I remember seeing the field of candidates from each of the past few elections and being woefully unimpressed. This time around -with many of the same people back in the race- they nearly all look good.

Except, of course, that sycophantic Bush Administration lap dog, John McCain.