Three Paths
Since we created the mess that country is in, it would make sense to commit more troops and resources to securing the country and stopping the insurgency. This is basically John Mc Cain’s (and others’) recommendation.
On the other side, there seems to be some wisdom in starting the withdrawal of U.S. forces. It might reduce the insurgency by taking away the strongest argument the insurgents have for recruiting new fighters: “The Americans are occupying our country and they are not going away”.
Furthermore, withdrawal might help increase support for the effort back here in the States if Americans could see some light at the end of the tunnel for our commitment there.
Lastly, drawing down the U.S. military presence would create a situation whereby the Iraqis would have to take control of their own security-for better or worse.
Senator Kennedy is now strongly encouraging the withdrawal of troops, though it has been the point of view of many liberals and a few conservatives for a while now.
So, it seems we have three paths: Escalate (McCain), withdrawal (Kennedy), or do nothing different (Bush).
Unfortunately, because of Bush’s inherent stubbornness (he calls it “resolve”), we will most likely see America taking this third path, one that appears to be heading steadily downward.