Monkey To Man
The author further points out that this may in turn undermine a significant industry that could help the U.S. economy: "With more and more countries aggressively developing stem cell therapies, the United States is in real danger of being left behind.
Meanwhile,in Newsweek, George Will argues that the creationism vs. evolution debate is not going away any time soon. Anti-evolution seems to be as strong today as it was 80 years ago when John Scopes challenged the Tennessee law prohibiting teaching of "any theory that denies the story of the divine creation of man."
George W. Bush has called the theory of evolution "iffy".
In the U.S. it sometimes seems we are sleepwalking back through time toward the Dark Ages.
British Musician and Songwriter Elvis Costello went to Clarksdale, Mississippi, to record his song "Monkey To Man." In the tune he gives the ape's perspective:
"Every time that man struggles and fails,
He makes up some kind of fairytales
After all the misery that he has caused
He denies he's decended from the dinosaurs
Points up to heaven with cathedral spires
All the time indulging in his base desires
Ever since we said it
He went and took the credit
It's been headed that way since the world began
When a vicious creature to the jump
From Monkey to Man"