
Notes & comment on politics, culture & society

My Photo

Steve Trumbull is a photographer and photo researcher based in Charlottesville Virginia. He has done many photo projects including the current C'ville Images, focused on photographs of his hometown.

26 July 2005

Quiet Right

With any given White house scandal, members of the President’s own party usually become part of the chorus of critics-or at least questioners. Sometimes out of conscience, other times to preserve their own political futures, Congressmen and Senators of the president’s party speak up. But, so far with the Rove debacle and cover-up, all is quiet on the Right front.

There is no doubt fear among GOPers of the Rove/Cheney/Bush machine, since it is well documented that bad things happen to their opposition.

Bush Administration critic David Corn offers this:

"There is one ritualistic action that has yet to occur: a member of the president's own party publicly criticizing the White House for the wrongdoing being investigated. Now that it is known that Rove and Scooter Libby passed information about Valerie Wilson's classified relationship with the CIA to reporters, no prominent GOPers have said boo. The Republicans who talk about the scandal on the chattering-head shows have followed the White House's lead and have suggested that (a) no one should judge Rove and Libby's actions--or the White House's previous and false denials--until the inquiry is over and (b) the only real issue is whether a crime was committed. . . .

"Sadly, John McCain has been drawn into this dishonest campaign. McCain has tried to promote himself as the straight-talking politician. You might even think he would be a candidate to perform the specific ritual I mentioned above: the from-within-the-party blast. But scratch him from that list. On Hardball a few nights ago, McCain once again placed politics and loyalty to Bush (the guy who dragged McCain's reputation through the mud in 2000) above straight talk. He repeatedly defended Rove, saying that when Rove confirmed Valerie Wilson's CIA ID for Bob Novak and Matt Cooper he was merely countering 'false information' being put out by Joseph Wilson 'concerning whether Dick Cheney sent him to Africa.' McCain went on: 'It's understandable why Rove would say to a reporter, "Hey, look, the vice president did not send Wilson to Niger. It was done at the recommendation of his wife, etcetera, etcetera."'

"Regular readers will know this is the same-old disinformation being hurled by GOP spinners."

25 July 2005

Barbara's Lament

"I'm here because I'm worried about our 17 grandchildren, and so is my husband. They will get no Social Security."

-Former First Lady Barbara Bush on tour with her boy George making a last ditch effort to pitch the President’s Social Security reform, popular among the wealthiest of taxpayers but not many others.

Associated Press’s Jennifer Loven follows with this observation:

"After all, the grandchildren in the wealthy Bush family are unlikely to depend on Social Security in their sunset years and the monthly Social Security check collected by Mrs. Bush's husband, the former President Bush, is undoubtedly only a minuscule portion of their retirement income."

Double Reverse

"Just shows you the president's brilliance, that Roberts is not taking the heat off Rove; Rove is taking the heat off Roberts. And now we don't have the Supreme Court controversy which we thought we were going to have."

-National Review's Byron York

23 July 2005

World War III Likely

According to a recent AP poll 60% of Americans think a third World War is likely.

Seems to me we have the right leadership to bring it on.

21 July 2005

Grain Of Salt

Doctors may start prescribing a grain of salt to be taken with any medical research you read or hear about.

The Journal of the American Medical Association has published a study that shows one-third of all major medical studies (eg. the benefits or dangers of this drug or that vitamin) were contradicted by subsequent research.

The lesson, of course, is to be a healthy skeptic if you want to stay healthy. And, no matter how credible the source, always question the results of "a recent study".

Including this one.

18 July 2005

Understanding Karl

As the scandal involving Karl Rove has evolved I've heard many journalists and several Democrats say things like "I'll take him at his word" and "Let's give him the benefit of the doubt."

To understand Rove you need to know only this (from Newsweek's Howard Fineman):

"In the World According to Karl Rove you take the offensive, and stay there. You create a narrative that glosses over complex, mitigating facts to divide the world into friends and enemies, light and darkness, good and bad, Bush versus Saddam. You are loyal to a fault to your friends, merciless to your enemies. You keep your candidate's public rhetoric sunny and uplifting, finding others to do the attacking. You study the details, and learn more about your foes than they know about themselves. You use the jujitsu of media flow to flip the energy of your enemies against them. The boss never discusses political mechanics in public. But in fact everythingis political-and everyone is fair game."

17 July 2005

Kerry's Call

John Kerry is requesting signatures on a letter to the White House calling for Karl Rove's resignation.

You need only to imagine the outrage had this happened under the watch of a President Kerry, or under President Clinton. There would be cries- perhaps fairly-of treason and the punishment that comes with it.

Read the letter at:

01 July 2005

No Bounce For Bush

While Bush has said he will not be guided by opinion polls, this week he added to his staff (at taxpayers expense) a public opinion research expert to help him craft his message to sell-and resell- his war.

As per usual, Rove and Co. trotted out George to give a speech in front of some uniformed military personnel (also at taxpayers expense). The reception by the soldiers was lukewarm at best.

The public opinion polls (which, of course Bush doesn’t follow) show he got no bounce and actually dropped in approval as a result of this latest marketing pitch.

Red States Going South

Pollster John Zogby reports:

"In a more significant sign of the weakness of the President’s numbers, more 'Red State' voters—that is, voters living in the states that cast their ballots for the Bush-Cheney ticket in 2004—now rate his job performance unfavorably, with 50% holding a negative impression of the President’s handling of his duties, and 48% holding a favorable view."