
Notes & comment on politics, culture & society

My Photo

Steve Trumbull is a photographer and photo researcher based in Charlottesville Virginia. He has done many photo projects including the current C'ville Images, focused on photographs of his hometown.

11 April 2007

Fire Katie

Katie Couric should be fired for her recent plagiarism. And Don Imus should be fired for his recent racist and sexists comments. But let’s not stop there.

Lou Dobbs should be fired for pretending to care about working Americans. Brian Williams should be fired for pretending the surge in Iraq is working. Bill Maher should be fired for appearing on Larry King too often. Larry King should be fired for asking lousy questions. Everyone at the Weather Channel should be fired for those asinine ad libs. Al Roker should be fired for trying to be funny. John Stewart should be fired for being about as funny as Al Roker.

Chris Matthews should be fired for acting like a Republican. Joe Scarborough should be fired for acting like a Democrat. Keith Olbermann should be fired for covering “American Idol”. Bill O’Reilly should just be fired. Dan Rather should be…oh right, he already was fired. It’s a start.