
Notes & comment on politics, culture & society

My Photo

Steve Trumbull is a photographer and photo researcher based in Charlottesville Virginia. He has done many photo projects including the current C'ville Images, focused on photographs of his hometown.

26 May 2005

Life Among The Outlets

"I like to play indoors better 'cause that's where all the electrical outlets are."

-a fourth-grader quoted in the recently published book The Last Child In The Woods

Catapulting the Propaganda

The latest CBS news poll shows that 6 in 10 Americans think that George Bush is out of touch with the priorities of the country.

According to the same poll the more citizens know about Bush’s Social Security reform, the more likely they are to say it is a bad approach.

Still, Bush continues to push his pet agenda. At one event in New York Bush made this telling remark: "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."

Insider's View

"The only reason he's still up there in the 40's is that the Democrats are really brain-dead and have nothing positive to put on the table... This is more than a rough patch; it's a dark moment right now for Bush."

-unnamed Republican with close ties to The Bush White House quoted in the New York Times

25 May 2005

Bringing It All Back Home

"On the Democratic side, there is an impressive field of potential presidential candidates. There's Joe Biden, who may be able to bring back national security voters; Senator Evan Bayh from Indiana may be able to bring back the Midwest. Virginia Governor Mark Warner may bring back the South, and Hillary Clinton -she's the only one who can bring back the White House furniture."

-New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson on a few of his (potential) rivals for the 2008 nomination

23 May 2005

Much About Delay

The Embattled Hammer Takes a Pounding

There seems to be much about Tom Delay in the news these days but if you've lost track of what the "embattled" Congressman-known to colleagues as "The Hammer"-has done to bring this upon himself, here is a quick summary:

Accepted trips from corporations and later helped kill legislation they opposed.

Accepted trips from the lobbyist for a foreign government in violation of House rules.

Paid family members more than $500,000 out of campaign contributions.

Helped sweatshops in the Mariana Islands at the behest of a lobbyist.

Tried to coerce a Congressman for a vote on Medicare.

Allegedly used corporate money given to his PAC to finance Texas campaigns in violation of state law.

Used Homeland Security resources in a dispute with Democrats in Texas.

Diverted funds from a children's charity for lavish celebrations at the Republican convention.

Stacked the House Ethics Committee with representatives who have contributed to his legal defense fund.

Crippled the effectiveness of the House Ethics Committee by purging members who had rebuked him.

Sought a rule change that would have no longer "required leaders to step aside temporarily if indicted."

Seems about on par with many in Congress, but I guess it just happens to be Tom's turn.

More From Bruce

"Evolution is in doubt right here in Washington. If it's in doubt right here, what the hell are they thinking other places? Of course, I personally think the president believes in evolution, but he can't say so. He's been around the block enough; he's doing what he has to so he can do what he wants to. A lot of folks do that.... But out in Kansas, they're taking this shit serious!... They're following the leader."

-Bruce Springsteen at a sold-out concert near D.C. commenting on Bush's characterization of the theory of evolution as "iffy".

Springsteen Quote

“You can still pick it up at Dunkin’ Donuts.”
-Bruce Springsteen commenting on the fact the Starbucks coffee chain banned sales of his new cd.

22 May 2005

Less Than Zero

Having taken some time away from this stream of random commentary, I inevitably neglected the opportunity to throw in my two cents worth on a number of news stories. From a quick survey of miscellaneous blogs and columns, here are the three major stories I missed out on:

1. The death of the Pope and the media frenzy surrounding his funeral and the picking of a new Pope.

2. Circus freak Michael Jackson being on trial for something.

3. The Runaway Bride

For the record, here is what I would have had to say about them:


02 May 2005

Spring Break

I will be taking a few weeks off from writing but continue to read a follow the stories that catch my attention.

Here is the Spring reading list;

Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell
The Modern American Presidency, by Lewis L. Gould
Six Questions of Socrates, by Christopher Phillips
Let Them All Talk, by Brian Hinton (Elvis Costello bio)
Crimes Against Logic, by Jamie Whyte
The Three-Martini Playdate, by Christie Mellor (parenting book)
1776, by David McCullough (whenever he gets around to releasing it)

...and whatever else I stumble upon.